my 2000th tweet

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I [accidentally] realise I sent my 2000th tweet the other night. Then I found out I tweeted for the first time 1,113 days ago.

Tweetbot says I joined Twitter in 2009, just to check it out I guess, as you would with everything else. I didn’t get it, so I didn’t visit the site for a while. I remember it was when @flexnib joined our library, she gave a talk about social media, how we can use Twitter for learning and networking, then I gave it another go, was still a lurker at the time.

I started to get more active on Twitter during my stint as a sole librarian because I think it’s important for me to stay connected with other librarians. I started to “get it” when I attended the 5th New Librarians Symposium – my first self funded conference experience. I tried live tweeting at conference, it’s hard, though Twitter definitely made networking easier.

Lately I started to tweet about random things, thoughts, and pictures, rather than just links, I also tried to converse with others. Twitter is very inspiring, that’s the thing I can’t find from most workplaces (unfortunately). I find most tweeters love to share their knowledge, ideas and things they are working on, they’re willing to help and answer questions, or help you connect to tweeps who can help you incredibly quickly. I remember when I was working on the IdeaScale project last year, I was after some statistics, so I told Twitter I wanted to connect with the IdeaScale administrator at Deakin University. I got an email address in no time, the amount of information I got from this contact helped me build my business case and presentation. I doubt I could reach the right person that quickly via traditional channel. It’s awesome.

The more I invest in Twitter aka PLN, the more I get out of it. I seriously don’t know what to do if you take Twitter away from me right now 🙂

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