On leadership

#blogjune Day 20

Today at work we talked about leadership and we’re asked to think of a great leader we’ve worked with and each person in the room named one trait of a great leader. The white board was full, and I believe if we go around the room again we can name more.

I have worked with a few great leaders (yes I’m lucky :)), the trait I added to the white board was a great leader knows the strength of each team member and brings out the best in them. This is one of the many traits of a great leader I most recently worked with, there are many more. She may be quiet but she’s great at building relationships and developing people, she seems to know exactly how she can just push each person (gently) outside their comfort zone, and she trusted them completely. You feel motivated and energised everyday. I’ve learned so much from her and I look up to her.

I was thinking of @jaygee35, Julia is a great leader.

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