halfway mark

#blogjune day 25

6 months ago I wrote down a few goals I want to achieve in 2014, thought it’d be good to see how I’m going.

1. Become proficient in my new role

I think I’m 70% done, still more to learn but I’m confident I’m getting there soon.

2. Learn more about management, leading and building teams

I have read so much on all of the above in the past few years, but when it comes to the real thing, you will learn on the job. I found that it is important to understand my own style, set clear expectations and goals, understand the organisation’s values, and be genuinely interested in the people I’m working with. With a lot of hard work and persistence, I can build trust and good working relationship with my team.

3. Contribute one submission to a library journal

Not started. I was thinking of contributing to a particular journal, but it’s still not calling for submissions yet. I’m still hoping to start something by the end of this year.

4. Complete various ongoing side projects

I can’t remember what they are :P, two of them are still on my mind:

  • compare citation data of papers that are available OA in our IR with those that were published in the same journal but not OA. (have not started!)
  • an interactive data visualisation showcasing the annual growth, subject/disciplines distribution, most popular researcher and top 3 downloads, OA ratio etc. Inspired by a 2013 GovHack project, Australia In Review. (haven’t done this one, but started something different using IR data)

5. Walk 10,000 steps every day

I have stopped trying, I put on weight and my pants don’t fit anymore. I even stopped wearing my fitbit flex as it made me feel bad. I need a plan B. I’ve got a plan B, I want to train myself to get up earlier so I can walk my dogs in the morning! My colleague told me about the wake-up light alarm clock today and I have ordered it, will see if it will help me change my habit.

6. Start a herb garden



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