Analog love

#blogjune Day 9


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Mum Whatsapp’ed me as she discovered my dad’s old turntable is still there, and of course, being the collector in the family she asked if I’d like to take it to Perth next time. Why yes, I can’t say no to this beauty, I want all the vinyl records too.

I remember Dad showed me how to use this and I’m a master. You must place the vinyl on the turntable very gently, pop the weight on, count which track you wanted to play and methodically lower the needle onto the vinyl record accordingly. That sound, I remember the sound so well, it’s as if The Bangles were singing into your ears. I guess that’s why my Dad kept using this even after cassette tapes and CDs came along and vinyl became a thing of the past. I remember all the songs my parents played on this turntable, all their 70s and 80s favourites. They listened to them so frequently I remember every word (Until I got old enough to take over and blasted Radiohead, Cocteau Twins, Suede, Frente etc all day long).

Today I saw this old turntable again, I remember the tunes…

Why do birds suddenly appear… every time… you are near…