That idea about a collaboration space in the library

Collaboration, I love collaboration, magical things happen when people with different background and skills come together, share their knowledge, and work on something together.

I have an idea about having a collaboration space in the library for a while, nothing new, but to propose on how it would work in our library, and express it in a way that others can understand is more important than simply having a “good” idea. I’ve been thinking how I should pitch this idea again, I don’t want to give up yet. Just thought I’d document how this idea has changed over time, usually after I talked to others about it. On reflection, I find it quite interesting.

About a year and a half ago, at my ex place of work we’re big about innovation, I was one of the Innovation committee members, it’s fun and challenging. A few colleagues attended an event at Spacecubed, it’s quite new then, they came back and kept raving about how cool it is. I had in mind if one day I have another business idea, I know Perth has a place for startups to setup temporary office, to meet like-minded people, find business partners or freelancers. Brilliant, I must check out that space.

When I returned to an academic library – where I am now. We talked about how we want to redesign our space and that everyone is going to work on projects. While I tried to sell my idea about an online space for staff to share ideas, I mentioned a collaboration or project space for staff to use, so they can be away from their usual office space and interruptions, and focus on the projects with their team members – usually not the same group of people they work with everyday. I wasn’t very confident about that idea then. Later on, I was informed that it’s gone into the space plan, not sure where we’re at now, I’ve never seen the plan. The idea about an online platform for staff to share ideas did happen.

At ALIA Info Online a few months ago, I was at Mark Bilandzic‘s presentation about the Gelatine check-in system he developed for The Edge, a collaboration space at State Library of Queensland. The system allows users to check in on their arrival, the skills they have to offer, along with the skills they need from others or they want to develop are displayed on screen right away. Users also get a print out of their “check-in”, the slips are pinned on a board next to the machine, so that people know where to find each other. This system simply link people together and make it so much easier for people to find others to collaborate with. I was so impressed! I spoke with Mark after the presentation and found out he doesn’t have a library background, he’s a researcher and a library lover, and he sees the potential and need for such system in libraries. He’s very inspiring.

This time, I talked to my colleagues about a collaboration space for staff and students to use. I got mixed reactions, some are enthusiastic about it, some thought that should be more relevant to public libraries. By the way, I hear all the time “but we’re an academic library!”. Yes we’re an academic library, so what? Regardless of whether we’re public library or academic library, we exist to provide a service, right? So if there’s a need for such service, maybe it seems to be more relevant to the public rather than students, we can at least explore the possibility before dismissing it? hmm…

Couple of months ago, I met an academic, Chris Kueh, who’s a design thinking expert. I learned about the things he’s trying to change and do at the design school, I was so inspired that he seeks real world industry partners for student projects, he also works out of Spacecubed. Then comes the light bulb moment, how about a collaboration space for students and staff to use, there will be a Gelatine check in system or something similar. We can also run social and networking events regularly. There will be a massive pin board for the check in system, we invite industry partners to pin any potential collaboration opportunities for students to see, students who come up with ideas or proposals could share them in the space as well. If our students come up with some great ideas, the space could be used as a project space, a startup incubator. Perhaps our Business students would be benefited as well?

Now I just need to put all these together in a meaningful way, and make sure the objective aligns with the operational goals of the library, as well as the institution’s. I don’t want to give up on this idea even thought it didn’t get a lot of attention. I believe it’s not a bad idea, it just needs further refinement.

I shall persist 🙂