photo-(19)I’m brain dead at the moment and don’t have a post for today, thought I can write about what I did today 🙂

We’re busy doing a series of talks and training sessions lately. Today I assisted my colleague, Gordon, our resident bibliometrics expert in facilitating a Scopus and Web of Science session for a small group of academics.

I really enjoy doing these sessions because we get to talk to academics, it’s usually very interactive and they asked interesting questions that sometimes we don’t have answers to, meaning more learning for us. I’m new to this area and I find these interactions very valuable. I love it when we get engaging audiences, like the great bunch we had today. Both of us are very happy with how it went, Gordon has done a great job preparing for the materials and exercises. The academics enjoyed it so much, they were hoping to gather enough interest so that we can run a session on another campus, music to our ears.

p.s. This is the 21st post for #blogjune, can’t believe I’ve only missed 1 post! I’m happy 🙂